Welcome to The Toymaker’s Happy Halloween Newsletter!


Just take a golden pumpkin
Of quite the largest size,
Cut all 'round the stem, just so,
Scrape out the inside below,
And cut two holes for eyes.
And now fix a nose beneath,
And such a great big mouth with teeth,
And you've a jack-o'-lantern!


Magic Pumpkin

Here's a little pumpkin card to make.



(Computer Tip – If the new toys are not showing up on your screen, try hitting the refresh button on the browser bar. If that doesn’t work try emptying your cache.)


A Paper Butterfly

Spring is early, or late depending on how you want to look at it with these easy to make paper butterflies.


A big thank you to J. H. Everett of Studio Five for helping me with the video.



Hello and hello!

One Halloween, many years ago, I was roasting pumpkin seeds. A friend came over with this nice young man who was a helicopter pilot in the Army. We went to dinner and had a lovely time talking. Hours later when we got back, my tiny house was filled with smoke. I'd left the broiler on for five hours and all the pumpkin seeds had turned to ashes. The helicopter pilot cleaned my stove. So I married him.

And that is why Halloween is my favorite holiday.

Best thoughts,


"O terque quaterque beatum”
We are three or four times blessed.


A Few More Goodies

Here are some prints and little trick or treaters that you can print out. What will you make?




Whimsy Pixins, Scooby Doo, a Mystery Pony... Read it here....


The old Live Journal Link works too.

And do say hello on facebook! I’d love to hear from you!


To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson



All Material © Marilyn Scott -Waters

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