Toymaker index


Winter came down to our home one night
Quietly pirouetting in on silvery-toed slippers of snow,
And we, we were children once again.
~Bill Morgan, Jr.

celtic triangles

Welcome to The Toymaker’s Wonderful Winter Newsletter!


The color of springtime is in the flowers, the color of winter is in the imagination. ~ Terri Guillemets

polar bear sled

It's Christmastime!

Make a polar bear sled box to give to a friend.

(Computer Tip – If the new toys are not showing up on your screen, try hitting the refresh button on the browser bar. If that doesn’t work try emptying your cache.)




My new paper toy book, The Toymaker's Workshop is out! It contains a Flying Machine, the Singing Show, a Tooth Fairy Palace with a tiny Tooth Box, Unicorn Forest, Kitty Music Adventure, Wind Boats, Pirate Treasure Chest, Nature Trunk, a miniature Toymaker’s Workshop and Delivery Van, Bunny Garden and Piggy See-Saw.

Thank you for buying my paper toys books. I hope they will provide you and your family many happy memories of time spent together.




Chanukah - The Festival of Lights

May the lights of Hanukkah usher in a better world for all humankind.


I've added a new gift bag to make.



The darkness of the whole world cannot swallow the glowing of a candle. ~ Robert Altinger


Hello and hello!

How can it be December already? The time has spun by like tops. For me, this last year was a roller coaster ride, filled with some hard times, loss, belt-tighting and struggle, and good times too, travel, new books, family and friends, and wonderful work.

I am excited because 2012 is going to bring all kinds of new things, new ideas and hopefully lots more toys. My wish for you today is that you are warm, happy, safe and loved.

Best thoughts,

"O terque quaterque beatum”
We are three or four times blessed.




A Book Peek! Sherlock Bones and The Mystery of the Kitty Prints... Read it here...

The old Live Journal Link works too.

And do say hello on facebook! I’d love to hear from you!


Happiness is like those palaces in fairy tales ...

we must fight in order to obtain it. ~ Alexander Dumas






Toymaker's Workshop


All Material © Marilyn Scott -Waters

If you liked this newsletter, do send it on to your friends and family.

