Welcome to The Toymaker’s November Newsletter!

“And say my glory was I had such friends." ~ Yeats.


“I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Star Boxes!

I made these easy-to-make little boxes in red, blue, orange and plain. They are just the right size to hold a muffin or a few small cookies.


(Computer Tip – If the new toys are not showing up on your screen, try hitting the refresh button on the browser bar. If that doesn’t work try emptying your cache.)



Match Boxes!

Make some tiny boxes just for fun. You can cover the template with pretty scraps of paper to make your own creation.






Hello and hello!

Do you like to make things? I bet you do. And whether it's muffins, or paper toys, scrapbooks or scarves or even something as complicated as a guitar, like my Wonderhub did, making things gives you a feeling of accomplishment.

I wonder if the ability to make things is a dying art. Most schools don’t have woodshop, home economics or art programs anymore. Many kids in the US don’t even learn cursive writing, which means they can’t read it either.

So I challenge you, take a skill and share it with someone else. Teach a kid how to cook, sew, fix a broken chair, change a tire, take a photo or grow tomatoes.

Let me know how it goes.

Best thoughts,


"O terque quaterque beatum”
We are three or four times blessed.


“Ah! there is nothing like staying at home for real comfort." ~ Jane Austen


Wild Things, Steampunk and GuitarMaking!

Read it here....


And do say hello! I’d love to hear from you!




Turkey Hunt & Coloring Page!

Thanksgiving is right around the corner. I've posted a couple of new things here:





Books are the treasured wealth of the world and the fit inheritance of generations and nations. ~ Henry David Thoreau


Donations cheerfully accepted to help provide free paper toys to children all over the world.

I do appreciate it!



All Material © Marilyn Scott -Waters

If you liked this newsletter, do send it on to family and friends.


“Reflect on your present blessings,

of which every man has many;

not on your past misfortunes,

of which all men have some.

~ Charles Dickens


My random mumblings on Facebook.... Friends welcome!